Understanding How Acid Damages Teeth

Acid Attack On Enamel

If you’re regularly drinking sodas and eating sugary snacks as part of your diet, have you consciously noticed how this has degraded your teeth? You may need to consider changing your diet before your teeth get progressively worse.

Let’s understand how this impacts your acidic levels and how acid damages teeth. To put it simply, if your pH level is set to lower than 5.5, this indicates that your teeth are in danger of dental erosion. This means that your enamel will weaken, also known as demineralization.

An acceptable, or neutral level, of pH sits at 7.5 or above. This indicates that your enamel’s strong and the steps you’re performing as part of a strong oral routine at the moment should continue.

wear and tear on teeth

Why And How Acid Damages Teeth

Acid damages teeth by rotting away your tooth enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth. It puts you in danger of experiencing cavities and tooth decay, and once the enamel is damaged, it cannot be repaired. Eventually, damage to your enamel will cause tooth sensitivity and discolouration.

The key to this is to ensure that your teeth are not exposed to acidic environments regularly.

How Can You Protect Your Teeth From Acid?

You need to make changes to your diet. It is simple as that. This means making the right choices of beverages that are low in acid levels. Replace sodas with the likes of water, black coffee and milk. These options are friendly for your teeth and also promotes high levels of saliva as you stay hydrated.

It can be understandably difficult to give up your favourite sodas, but it is very important to reduce and ultimately eliminate them from your diet. Should you want the odd soda, have it with a meal, but ensure that you brush your teeth after 30 minutes from consuming. It is vitally important that you continue to brush your teeth at night before bed regardless.

sensitive pain in the mouth

Another important step as part of your diet is to start eating foods containing calcium. Calcium helps to strengthen the hard outer layer of your tooth, which is the enamel and protect you from tooth abrasion, enamel erosion and cavities. Here are some healthy choices you can incorporate in your diet:

  • Leafy green vegetables (Kale and Spinach and Okra)
  • Dairy products (Milk, Cheese and other dairy foods)
  • Almond and Soy Milk
  • Vitamin D choices such as Eggs, Salmon and Mushrooms

The human body needs vitamin D choices in order to absorb calcium. These options are recommended choices to incorporate into your diet to reduce chances of acid build-up.

If you’re having concerns with how acid damages teeth, or you’re experiencing dental erosion and need a check-up at the dentist, then we’re here to help! Contact us here for an appointment today!


Dr Chan Nguyen

Dr Chan Nguyen, a dentist in Wahroonga, graduated with honours from the University of Sydney in 2001. Known for her gentle, caring approach, she specialises in pain-free dentistry and works with neurodiverse patients, creating positive experiences through prevention and graded exposure. Dr Chan Nguyen is passionate about serving families.

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